The Amazing Spider-Man Posters

This poster gives an impressive amount of prime space to the man-made web shooter. I understand that this is one of the differences between this reboot and the not-so-old movies, but, ahmmm, I think there are, like, three people in the whole world who care.

Outside of this little detail, I’m really not sure what the point of this particular poster is. What is the big visual thing we are supposed to take from it? What about it is supposed to excite us? What does it add to the rest of the poster campaign? Are we supposed to be in awe of the spider symbol that is formed by the street lights? Because, although I like that idea in theory, I actually failed to notice it the first few times I was looking at this poster. And I was looking closely.

And here is another one.

The whole poster campaign so far has a dark and brooding feel that kind of reminds me of the last few Batman movies. Just two problems with that.

First, the execution doesn’t come close to being as good as what we saw for Batman. This is how you make your hero’s symbol appear in the city. Nobody is missing that one. The imagery in the Spider-Man campaign has been surprisingly dull. The city in particular is just looks incredibly uninteresting and generic.

Second, Spider-Man is not Batman! Yes, many people love Batman. Yes, many people love Spider-Man. Yes, many people love both of them! But for different reasons. Each character has it’s own strong points, and I’m getting the feeling that this marketing campaign just doesn’t know what the ones for Spider-Man are. I really hope the actual movie is much better in this aspect.


This is 40 Poster

Ok, honestly, you know what most caught my attention in this poster? No, not the scene of Paul Rudd in the toilet. No, not the iPad, apparently thrown in to make the old “going to the bathroom in front of your significant other” gag seem more hip and modern. No, not even the pretty clever tagline. What most caught my attention is that Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann are apparently aging backwards, because they looked older a few years ago in Knocked Up.

And I know, super normal, these things are always retouched to oblivion. BUT THE MOVIE IS CALLED THIS IS FORTY! And I’m sorry, but this is not forty. Not even for these two biologically very special individuals.


To Rome With Love Poster

I don’t have much to say about this poster for To Rome With Love. Well known style, a functional, but not very exciting one. But I would like to point out that adding a little bit of texture to the backgrounds really does wonders to make this pleasant to look at. A more typical solid white background would be much more of a sore for the eyes, and would make the whole thing look less classy. So, good call on that.

The Possession Poster

One of the things that I like about Horror is that it’s one the few genres in which you still can see some crazy imagery in modern posters. Often, imagery that isn’t even directly present in the actual film! Like, they can create something that represents the idea behind the film, and not just what the film actually shows. Yay for a little space for imagination.

This isn’t necessarily the greatest example of that, but it’s still quite cool. And crazy. You have to to admit it is crazy. More crazy, please.

p.s.: I wonder if in the true story this movie is based on, the hand that comes out of the mouth of the girl had such long fingernails. Probably not, they always exaggerate a bit.


The Indie Spirit

So, what might the posters for this year’s biggest films look like if they were made with an indie sensibility? NextMovie decided to answer that question, and the results were really interesting. Some of the posters are beautiful, some not so much. But more importantly, many of them capture perfectly the indie poster style.

Below are two examples, but you really should go see the whole thing.