Special Prints: Halloween Edition

Maybe I’m just a lot more aware of it these days because of the site, but it seems like the special poster for a screening/limited run for sale thing has exploded over the last couple of years. Not that I’m complaining, plenty of great stuff being created, some of which I have even bought for myself.

To celebrate some of that “stuff”, here are a few Halloween appropriate posters. 

First, from the guys over at Skuzzles, here are two posters by Rhys Cooper for two Troma cult classics:

These will be sold separately AND in a two-for-one combined print. The sale starts some random time tomorrow (November 1st) . If you are interested, go here.

Next, from Derek Gabryszak, here is a red hot one for Suspiria, which went on sale today over here.

And since we are talking about Derek, here is another one he made for Fargo:

Ok, that one isn’t so Halloween, buy it is cool, so…