It Goes Around, It Comes Around

Ok, am I going crazy? Are we suddenly back in the 80’s? I mean, a poster for a 3D horror movie featuring the killer’s weapon bursting through the screen? Really?

Sure, the production values are now much better. But the cheese is still equally (or even more) strong.

Not that I’m not tickled by it, but I have no taste.

(Via UGO and IMPAwards)

In Honor Of Yet Another Good Opening

So, SAW V (five!) took about $30 million dollars in its opening weekend. I’m sure this series is running out of steam, but I’m, as of right now, retiring from the business of predicting that the SAW marketing has lost its power.

I wonder what the poster for SAW 33 will be like. I mean, you can do a XXXIII with just nine fingers, what will they do with the one left? I can’t wait to find out.

Up Poster

Up Poster

I’m not sure who should get credit for it, but the posters for Pixar’s films have been almost always excellent. The poster campaign for Wall-E was one of my favorites of this year so far, and from the look of things UP will be one of my favorites next year.

What I love about this poster is the boldness of its simplicity. It’s mostly just a big, blue sky with some clouds. And that is more than enough to transmit a sense of adventure and wonder that one hardly ever gets from a poster. The fact that the house and the balloons look so little against it ads greatly to the effect. Just beautiful.

And yes, just the idea of a house traveling around the sky is itself quite entertaining.

I’m already looking forward to the film. And to the next poster.

(Via WildAboutMovies and IMPAwards)

The Day Earth Stood Still Starring … Tom Cruise?

Ok, maybe he doesn’t look exactly like Cruise, but Keanu is looking even less like himself in this poster, which makes this a weird design. A poster for a big effects blockbuster that doesn’t really showcase the effects and that makes the star it’s putting front and center hard to recognize.

The poster also reminds me a lot of the Spielberg’s version of War of the Worlds, which depending on how you see it may be a good or a bad thing.


Separated at Birth: Inkheart and Bedtime Stories

(click on the images to make them larger)

Two films about fantastic stories that come to life? Oh, it’s on. Although since one film has Adam Sandler and the backing of Disney and the other has Brendan Fraser I’m guessing it won’t be much of a fight.

I do think the design in general and the fantastic images in particular of the Inkheart poster are more interesting than those of the Bedtime Stories poster. But Bedtime is more clearly focused on appealing to kids, they are obviously chasing the young kids/families demographic. The target demographic for Inkheart is a bit less clear, but I think they might be trying to reach more teenagers. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I don’t think it will be very successful at that.

(Via Yahoo! Movies and IMPAwards)

Punisher: War Zone Lenticular Poster

Lenticular posters are those 3D/moving things you sometimes see on you local cineplex. As you can imagine it’s not very easy to tell exactly the effect one of those will have in real life from a picture on the internet. For example, I quite liked this poster when I first saw it, but I was muuuuuch more impressed when I saw the actual thing.

So, I’m imagining this lenticular Punisher poster will look quite cool. In the real thing the guns are mounted on the outside of the lightbox, which should make for an even more striking effect. But honestly, it’s hard to tell just how good (or bad) it is just from this image.

So, if you spot the actual poster let me know what you thought of it. And if I see it I’ll update the post.

Still Shiny

Kurt from RowThree was nice enough to point me over to this poster made by artist Jeff Kleinsmith for a special Alamo Drafthouse screening. If you are quick you can also buy it from MondoTees.

Normal posters have to sell to you a movie you have never seen, often without showing too much so as not to spoil the surprise. I think one of the great things about these posters is that they don’t have these constraints. These are movies we know, and the artists can play with any imagery from the film and with our memories and feelings about them. Sometimes that makes for some extraordinary stuff.

Just as a bonus here is the poster for Fantastic Fest 2008.

Authenticity is Overrated

Angels and Demons Poster

This poster might very well not be an official poster, but is that reason enought not to post it? I say no.

A half angel, half demon statue might be an overly literal visual representation of a movie called Angels & Demons, but you know what? I don’t really care. It works. And the background serves as a nice reminder that this movie is probably going to have lots of travel porn.

Of course the dark mood of the poster and the seemly supernatural elements don’t really seem to fit with what I imagine the tone and story of the movie will be like. I haven’t actually read the book, so perhaps it would seem more fitting if I had, but I was expecting something a little lighter and more grounded.

Then again I’m expecting this movie too suck, so going against my expectations is probably a good thing.

This poster could have worked very well for a classy horror movie. On the other hand, this poster for House couldn’t, which is a shame because this one actually is a horror movie.

House Poster

Forbidden and dangerous doors are a recurring theme/image and it can be really effective if well handled. But this is more boring than scary.

(Via IMPAwads and WildAboutMovies)